10 Different Types of Fruit That Starts With X

Fruit That Starts With X – there are so many different types of fruit that you eat everyday and most of these are easy to name.

It’s not uncommon for us to focus more on our quizzing abilities when considering fruits that begin with the letter X. Do they really exist? Apparently they do!

We’ve put a great list together for you, along with a description of the fruit and a photo where we can source one.

Have a look at our list of different fruits that start with the letter X!


fruit that starts with



Xigua is a type of watermelon that is native to the continent of Africa and China both. Extremely juicy, this makes for a perfect summer fruit as it is 92% water and keeps one hydrated. The surface is yellowish green and the interior, crimson in color just like a normal watermelon.

The only difference is that xigua has fewer seeds. Flavor of xigua is sweet and it makes for an absolutely delicious fruit to enjoy on a summer day. Xigua popsicles can be easily made at home. Xigua can also be enjoyed in salad form too.


fruit that starts with x



Xoay is a tropical fruit. It is small, just about the size of a grape and it has a brown or black hard shell that must be removed before eating. Xoay is sweet and sour in taste. You can eat the pulp straight or drink it in drink form.

Xoay can be used to make jams and syrups. Some beverages and xoay drinks are refreshing and enjoyed by many.

fruit that starts with x



Coming from the ximenia family, ximenia caffra is also known as sour plum. There is a distinct taste to the  ximenia family. As its name suggests they are generally sour and leave a dry after taste. Texture is sticky with the flavor being almond-like.

These fruits can be found in the tropical regions such as South America, Africa and some Asian countries. The color of this fruit is green which changes to orangish reddish when it ripens. Ripe ones taste the best. When it comes to consuming and enjoying it, this fruit is used to prepare a variety of beverages. The petals of flowers are also used in soups in several parts of the world.

Wild sour plum ice-cream with crisp meringue is one of the best recipes around.


fruit that starts with the letter x



Xoconostle, also known as pear cactus is a native fruit to Mexico and believed to be in this world for thousands of years. They are astringent fruits with their taste being best described as sour tangy leaving an acidic aftertaste. Xoconostle’s sour flavor is liked by the Mexicans and is an extremely popular ingredient in Mexican cuisine.

Best way to consume this fruit is to cut it in half and scoop out the seeds and flesh. The most well-known use of this ingredient is in a meal called mole de olla, which is a hearty beef stew that benefits from its flavor and acidity. One can enjoy xoconostle in smoothies, jams and jellies form as well.


x fruit that begins with x



Chinese translation of apricot is xing zi. Xing zi’s country of origin is China itself, however presently they are widely available all over the world. Taste is sour to sweet when ripe and the color is yellowish- orange. Outside texture is plain and velvet like and the size is just about the size of a plum.

Xing zi makes for a great snack as you can just pluck it off a tree and just bite in, however don’t expect it to be too juicy. It has one seed which is inedible, so to cook it one has to cut it, scoop out the seed and chop it. Very frequently used in preparation of cakes, pastries, scones etc. One can find xing zi in canned form, jams and sauces.



Popularly known as cannonball mangrove or cedar mangrove. Xylocarpus Granatum is a large cannon shaped fruit with a hard exterior. Size is somewhat similar to that of  a coconut. When ripe they are golden-yellow in color and the seeds are brown in color.

A ripe xylocarpus granatum’s texture is smooth. Mostly found in the Pacific Islands, Asia and Africa, this fruit belongs to the mahogany family. It is sour and commonly found in soups.



Hailing from Macedonia, xinomavro is a top notch grape for wine making. Xinomavro is black in color and pretty sour in taste but the taste of  xinomavro’s wine is floral and spicy with fruity notes and is heavy on the tannins. Native to Greece, xinomavro vineyards are found all over northern Greece.

This fruit makes for the chief ingredient of red wines. However they are great for making fruity wines with high alcohol content levels too. Xinomavro, literally translated in English means ‘black and sour’.

Wines made from this varietal will have a distinct flavor and structure. Xinomavro wine can be well paired with any type of meat, be it a stew, grilled beefsteaks, sausages, roasted lamb, or wild mushroom risotto with parmesan flakes.



Popularly known as ‘cocklebur. This fruit is known by many other names, one of them being xanthium. Xanthium is a Greek word, literally translating to yellow, because its seed pods are yellow when they are mature.

Outer skin is spiky. This fruit can be eaten raw without skin or cooked, however it is advised to always wash it and eat in because according to some sources it is considered poisonous.



Think xarel-lo, think wine! They are that synonymous! A native to Catalonia and extensively grown in that region, xarel-lo is synonymous with sparkling wine. Coming from the family of grapes, its juice is acidic and sweet.

The skin is thick. Just because of its inherent taste and acidic structure, like xinomavro grapes, it becomes a perfect ingredient for wine and is extremely popular among the wine-makers.



Xiangjio is a Chinese word which literally translated in English means a banana. Its shape is elongated and comes in green and red color.

A perfectly ripe xiangjiao will be sweet and the texture will be soft, that’s the best time to eat it. In some countries, xiangjiao is cooked and served as a starchy side dish. Xiangjio enjoys a worldwide popularity and available in the super markets all year long.



Find our other posts on Fruit that Starts With

For official definitions of the fruit you can also look at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.


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Fruit that Starts with Z




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