Cities That Starts With T- I know there will be all sorts of reasons why you ended up here. Maybe you are looking for the answer to a quiz question, or maybe you are the one setting the quiz questions! Maybe you are putting together some home-schooling resources, or are a teacher setting a test for class. However you found yourself here and for whatever reason, here you will find a list of cities beginning with the letter T. We have broken the list down further into cities that start with the letter T in different countries. We’ve also added a little bit of information about each city too.
Cities in the US that starts with T
Tacoma Washington 219,346
Tallahassee Florida 196,169
Tampa Florida 384,959
Temecula California 110,003
Tempe Arizona 180,587
Thornton Colorado 141,867
Thousand Oaks California 126,966
Toledo Ohio 270,871
Topeka Kansas 126,587
Torrance California 147,067
Tucson Arizona 542,629
Tulsa Oklahoma 413,066
Tyler Texas 105,995
Cities in the UK that starts with T
Truro South West, England 18,766 (2011)
Cities in Canada that starts with T
Temiskaming Shores Canadian Province: Ontario
Thompson Canadian Province: Manitoba
Thorold Canadian Province: Ontario
Thunder Bay Canadian Province: Ontario
Timmins Canadian Province: Ontario
Toronto Canadian Province: Ontario
Trail Canadian Province: British Columbia
Trenton Canadian Province: Ontario
Trois-Rivières Canadian Province: Quebec
Tuktoyaktuk Canadian Province: Northwest Territories
Cities in Australia that starts with T
Tamworth State or Territory: New South Wales
Taree State or Territory: New South Wales
Temora State or Territory: New South Wales
Tennant Creek State or Territory: Northern Territory
Tenterfield State or Territory: New South Wales
Tom Price State or Territory: Western Australia
Toowoomba State or Territory: Queensland
Townsville State or Territory: Queensland
Traralgon State or Territory: Victoria
Tumut State or Territory: New South Wales
Cities in China that starts with T
Tacheng Province: Xinjiang
Tai’an Province: Shandong
Taicang Province: Jiangsu
Taishan Province: Guangdong
Taixing Province: Jiangsu
Taiyuan Province: Shanxi
Taizhou Province: Jiangsu
Taizhou Province: Zhejiang
Tangshan Province: Hebei
Taonan Province: Jilin
Tengchong Province: Yunnan
Tengzhou Province: Shandong
Tianchang Province: Anhui
Tianjin Province: municipal
Tianmen Province: Hubei
Tianshui Province: Gansu
Tieli Province: Heilongjiang
Tieling Province: Liaoning
Tiemenguan Province: Xinjiang (XPCC)
Tongcheng Province: Anhui
Tongchuan Province: Shaanxi
Tonghua Province: Jilin
Tongjiang Province: Heilongjiang
Tongliao Province: Inner Mongolia
Tongling Province: Anhui
Tongren Province: Guizhou
Tongren Province: Qinghai
Tongxiang Province: Zhejiang
Tumen Province: Jilin
Tumxuk Province: Xinjiang (XPCC)
Turpan Province: Xinjiang