Cities That Starts With O- I know there will be all sorts of reasons why you ended up here. Maybe you are looking for the answer to a quiz question, or maybe you are the one setting the quiz questions! Maybe you are putting together some home-schooling resources, or are a teacher setting a test for class. However you found yourself here and for whatever reason, here you will find a list of cities beginning with the letter O. We have broken the list down further into cities that start with the letter O in different countries. We’ve also added a little bit of information about each city too.
Cities in the US that starts with O
Oakland California 440,646
Oceanside California 174,068
Odessa Texas 114,428
Oklahoma City Oklahoma 681,054
Olathe Kansas 141,290
Omaha Nebraska 486,051
Ontario California 175,265
Orange California 139,911
Orlando Florida 307,573
Overland Park Kansas 197,238
Oxnard California 202,063
Cities in the UK that starts with O
Oxford South East, England 151,906 (2011)
Cities in Canada that starts with O
Oak Bay Canadian Province: British Columbia
Oakville Canadian Province: Ontario
Orillia Canadian Province: Ontario
Oshawa Canadian Province: Ontario
Ottawa Canadian Province: Ontario
Cities in Australia that starts with O
Oodnadatta State or Territory: South Australia
Orange State or Territory: New South Wales
Cities in China that starts with O
Ordos Province: Inner Mongolia