Worldwide List of Cities That Starts With N

Cities That Starts With N- I know there will be all sorts of reasons why you ended up here.  Maybe you are looking for the answer to a quiz question, or maybe you are the one setting the quiz questions!  Maybe you are putting together some home-schooling resources, or are a teacher setting a test for class.  However you found yourself here and for whatever reason, here you will find a list of cities beginning with the letter N .  We have broken the list down further into cities that start with the letter N in different countries.  We’ve also added a little bit of information about each city too.

Cities in the US that starts with N


Nampa  Idaho 100,200
Naperville  Illinois 149,540
Nashville[k]  Tennessee 689,447
New Bedford  Massachusetts 101,079
New Haven  Connecticut 134,023
New Orleans[n]  Louisiana 383,997
Newark  New Jersey 311,549
New York  New York 8,804,190
Newport News[m]  Virginia 186,247
Norfolk[m]  Virginia 238,005
Norman  Oklahoma 128,026
North Charleston  South Carolina 114,852
North Las Vegas  Nevada 262,527
Norwalk  California 102,773


Cities in the UK that starts with N






Cities in Canada that starts with N


Nanaimo Canadian Province: British Columbia
Nelson Canadian Province: British Columbia
New Westminster Canadian Province: British Columbia
Niagara Falls Canadian Province: Ontario
Niagara-on-the-Lake Canadian Province: Ontario
North Bay Canadian Province: Ontario
North Vancouver Canadian Province: British Columbia
North York Canadian Province: Ontario


Cities in Australia that starts with N


Nambucca Heads State or Territory: New South Wales
Naracoorte State or Territory: South Australia
Narrabri State or Territory: New South Wales
Narrandera State or Territory: New South Wales
Narrogin State or Territory: Western Australia
New Norfolk State or Territory: Tasmania
Newcastle State or Territory: New South Wales
Newman State or Territory: Western Australia
Northam State or Territory: Western Australia
Nowra-Bomaderry State or Territory: New South Wales


Cities in China that starts with N


Nagqu Province: Tibet
Nan’an Province: Fujian
Nanchang Province: Jiangxi
Nanchong Province: Sichuan
Nangong Province: Hebei
Nanjing Province: Jiangsu
Nanning Province: Guangxi
Nanping Province: Fujian
Nantong Province: Jiangsu
Nanxiong Province: Guangdong
Nanyang Province: Henan
Nehe Province: Heilongjiang
Neijiang Province: Sichuan
Nenjiang Province: Heilongjiang
Ning’an Province: Heilongjiang
Ningbo Province: Zhejiang
Ningde Province: Fujian
Ningguo Province: Anhui
Ningxiang Province: Hunan
Nyingchi Province: Tibet


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